Thursday, April 24, 2014

TypeScript and Dynamics CRM 2013 – Part 2

Last time I gave a brief introduction to getting TypeScript and Dynamics CRM 2013 client extension to play well together. In this post I’m going to describe a way to utilize TypeScript for structuring and modularizing the client extension code.
A great benefit from TypeScript is, that it has semantics and syntax that is similar to that C#. TypeScript has classes with methods, properties and inheritance. There are modules, which are similar to namespaces. However, there are some quirks, that makes TypeScript behave differently to what a C#-coder would expect. Lets get back to those and start with a simple example.

Modularize the code

For this first example, lets recall the code snippet for previous post doing a simple field hide/show. The obvious would be to create a method in a class within a module, like below.

///<reference path="Xrm.d.ts">
module DKCRM {
    class HideField {
        hideField() {

There are two reason why that would not work.
  1. The class is internal to the module. Compare it to a private class in C#
  2. In CRM form events it is only possible to execute function by name, i.e. a class cannot be instantiated.
Luckily it is simple to fix those to issues. Just add export keyword for the class and add a static method to execute the logics.

///<reference path="Xrm.d.ts">
module DKCRM {
    export class HideField {
        static execute() {
            var instance = new HideField();

        hideField() {
            var phone: string = Xrm.Page.getAttribute('telephone1').getValue();

            if (phone == null) {
            } else {

Getting it to work in CRM is then only a matter of uploading the generated JavaScript-file as a web resource and call DKCRM.HideField.execute function from the form event.

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